Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Succeed and Proceed!

     I haven't posted since the loss to Wisconsin... yeah, that loss. And forgive me if this post contains multiple misspellings and grammatical errors - I'm just typing this off the top of my head and not bothering with editing. We fans, members of the #BBN have enjoyed such a run of success in my adult life. We are a passionate group who eat, drink, and sleep our teams and their various sports. We study film like coaches, scout referees, and debate nuances and minutiae to an extreme. We are also a spoiled, petty, petulant group of fans. We seem to have forgotten. College is for the student and student-athlete; for them to develop mentally, socially, emotionally; for them to chose a field to work in (maybe several times); for them to hone their skills in that field and then to leave. Yes, college is for leaving.

     Much is made of the "one-and-done" and especially of Coach Cal's so-called use of it. Let's look at this with honest eyes. Cal doesn't "use" the rule. Young men, desiring to play professionally, are required by the NBA to be a certain age or be past high school a certain amount of time in order to play in their organization. Coach Calipari recruits the best high school players in the nation to come play for him at Kentucky - if you will notice, they also tend to be some of the best kids personality-wise and work-ethic wise as well. How many trouble-makers have we seen during Cal's tenure; how many that would get Kentucky in trouble academically? Cal recruits the best. The best are looking to play professionally as soon as they can. The rules of the organization they wish to join require them to wait a certain amount of time. "One-and-done" is the pejorative term used to demonize the successful but those who are jealous or less successful.

     I was not a Calipari fan while he was at UMass. I was not his fan at Memphis. Of course, I didn't really know what was going on with him there. UMass was UK's rival during the Pitino years, Cal was their coach, so he was the enemy. The stories that were spun about Cal in the media were predictably negative as they continue to be. Most of the stories have proven themselves to be wildly inaccurate as the years have progressed and we Kentucky fans seen how certain "powers-that-be" have vested interest in seeing Cal fail. As I have watched coach over the years, I have become a fan. So yes, I am biased favorably toward Coach and the way he does things. I believe in "players-first" because I believe that is the truest function of college athletics. College athletics, just like the rest of college, is for helping these young people on their way - not for the satisfaction of faculty, administrators, alumni or fans. The satisfaction of these groups is a happy coincidence for a successful program.

     You fans who are complaining about the "one-and-done" need to do a little self-examination. If you have the opportunity to secure yourself and your family financially for a lifetime, all while getting to do something you love and do well, wouldn't you jump on the opportunity immediately? Stop kidding yourself, and stop being hypocrites.You people attacking Diallo or any of the others who are leaving early need a dose of humility and a helping of honesty. Brats! You have gotten your way so much, and have been happy to get it. You have tasted the sweetness of victory after victory. You have bathed in the aura of fame you didn't earn (and so have I). Appreciate what you have been able to witness and share in as fans. Support these young men - they will make (and have made) it worth it. Have you noticed how these young men make sure the country and the world knows that their time at Kentucky gave them what they needed to succeed? You cannot buy that kind of publicity - what price would you put on that? Stop saying that these young men don't give back - your ignorance shouts more loudly than your anger.

     Succeed and proceed, my young wildcats. Grow and become great. Prove the critics to be fools. Go Cats!


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